Newgate Street is a small village in the Welwyn Hatfield district of Hertfordshire, approximately six miles south-west of Hertford with a population of around 400.
Only 30 mins from London yet set amongst thousands of acres of woodland and countryside, the village sits on the Hertfordshire Way and miles of footpaths, bike trails and bridleways.
It has two lovely pubs (The Crown and The Coach & Horses), a Mediterranean restaurant and a 19C church.
On a major cycling thoroughfare, the village is a entry point to many of the county's bike trails.
For more about the village and it's history, click here >.
Newgate Street, Hertfordshire UK.
Regular Fixtures
Check the calendar below for exact dates or for cancellations.
Pub Social
A general social, and chance for newcomers to "meet the neighbours", usually held at the Crown on the second Friday of every month. See the calendar for dates or contact Jo on jo.maytum@icloud.com
Coffee Mornings
Held in the church on the first Monday of every month from 10 to 12am. A chance to get out and catch up with other villagers over simple teas, coffees and biscuits. Contact Gill gillsutcliffe@googlemail.com
Table Tennis Club
Held every Tuesday from 7:30pm, followed by a small refreshment in the Coach. All are welcome. Contact Gloria for details gloria.macarthur@btinternet.com.
Every Wednesday from 9.30 am to 10.30 am (school term time only) on Village courts. Contact Jo on jo.maytum@icloud.com
A combination of the Village, School and Church Google Calendars. Any additions, errors, etc. please contact calendar@newgatestreet.org.
The Newgate Street Village Hall is run by volunteers for the local community. It has 200sqm of space including a kitchen, bar area, anti-room, disabled washrooms and plenty of parking. It has a sprung wooden floor, a performance stage, seating for up to 100, It is over the road from the church and adjacent to the common fields.
It is available for bookings for anything from children's parties through, christenings, weddings, to clubs, classes school, social and community functions. It isn't available for raves, brawls nor bun fights! More details below.
The village has two outdoor courts, owned by the council, managed by volunteers and available to everyone. However, courts must be booked and paid for in advance, and there are some rules to follow.

sports and Play
The village has two public tennis courts, a cricket pitch and a two of acres of common. The children’s playground is fenced, dog free and brilliaaaaaannnt, and there is a rough push-bike course hidden behind the tennis courts.
Post Office
A small Post Office is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings until 1pm in the village hall. Last parcels midday.
St Mary's Ponsbourne Church
A Grade 2 Listed Building dating from 1847 with services held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month and others besides. Full details of services in the Group can be found on the Hertford Hundred site.
Rector, The Revd Theresa, 01707 875940. Warden, Mr T M Sutcliffe on 01707 874388. Organist, Mr P Minchinton on 01707 323742.
Ponsbourne St Mary's Primary School
Our beautiful, charming and 'outstanding' village school. Contact 01707 872395 - ponsbourne.herts.sch.uk
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Share and download high resolution images from the village on Flickr. The May Fayre Photo Emporium images are also here.
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